Triple A Radio Interview

Triple A Radio Interview


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In another joyful episode of Let’s Talk…The Arts, Rachael Sarra meets Bree Buttenshaw, the artist and creator of the wonderful digital art project Little Butten. Bree is a talented digital artist who integrates her proud Aboriginal culture with a contemporary digital approach to develop a joyful creative style. Little Butten, she says, is a combination of “all the things that make Bree: it’s funky, it’s vibrant colour palettes, intricate patterns, love, fun, cultural resilience, and pride.”

At the core of the project, though, are Bree’s deep commitments to community, culture & Country – commitments that shape every part of Bree’s creative work. 

In a wide-ranging conversation about the joys and challenges of life as an artist, Rachael and Bree reflect on the unglamorous and essential work of embedding Indigenous cultural values into their arts practices everyday.

Rachael and Bree talk culture and community responsibility: what it means to realise that an ethical approach to creative work might sometimes mean saying no, stepping back, and leaving enough for others.

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